Who’s your harry potter boyfriend?

Some Other Options:

Here are some other characters from the series that would make good boyfriends but aren’t included on our quiz.

  • Newt Scamander: He is someone who is shy and quirky. Based on his appearances in Fantastic Beasts, he seems to be a great catch.
  • Fred and George Weasley: Like Ron, both guys have amazing senses of humor and love pulling off pranks. They are both also athletic, playing on the Gryffindor Quidditch team for many years. If you are into funny and athletic boys, they would be great choices.
  • Oliver Wood: Served as the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team for several years and was known to be very driven in his goal to win the House Cup. If you are into someone who is very driven to succeed, he seems like a great choice.
  • Seamus Finnigan: Despite being a bit clumsy, Seamus proved to be someone who is loyal and brave. He also apologized to Harry when he was wrong, which shows you that he isn’t above realizing his mistakes.
  • Dean Thomas: He was someone who was very easygoing and also someone who is very open-minded. Sounds like a pretty good partner to me!

Let us know if there are any guys from the series that you think would make for a great boyfriend!


So, who did you get on our Harry Potter boyfriend quiz? Let us know who you got in the comment section and make sure to also share it with your friends. I got my girlfriend to take the quiz and she ended up getting Ron Weasley. I think that fits me pretty well as I try to be the funny guy of the group! As a result, this quiz worked for us!

Who Would Be Your Harry Potter Boyfriend?

Instructions: All you have to do is answer the questions about yourself below and the quiz will let you know the character that you are most compatible with. Try to answer the questions honestly and don’t just try and get your favorite!


How would you want your crush to ask you to the Yule Ball?

They ask me to go with them after they just finished playing Quidditch

In public so everybody can see us

In a cute way that makes me laugh

In a nervous but cute kind of way

With a lot of confidence in their voice. Confidence is sexy

I would ask them to go with me

Which career do you find the most attractive?

Police Officer or Detective

Professional Athlete

Actor or Comedian

Investment Banker or Real Estate Developer

Teacher or Professor

CEO of a company

Choose the Harry Potter character that you least like to date out of the ones listed

Cedric Diggory

Draco Malfoy

Harry Potter

Neville Longbottom

Ron Weasley

Viktor Krum

Which Character Would You Date?

Harry Potter

Ron Weasley

Draco Malfoy

Neville Longbottom

Cedric Diggory

Viktor Krum

Want some more? Check out the full list of our personality quizzes.

Harry Potter Boyfriend Quiz: All Of The Possible Results

Here are all of the results that you could have gotten on this quiz. We have also provided some details on what your relationship would be with them.

Cedric Diggory

Cedric Diggory is best known for taking part in the Triwizard Tournament alongside Harry Potter. Sadly, Cedric passed away at the hands of Lord Voldemort but he was fondly remembered for being an incredibly talented wizard. Cedric was known for being kind, loyal, and someone who really valued fair-play.

If you are into Cedric, you are likely into popular guys who are very athletic. You also might have a thing for Robert Pattinson.

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy was the bad boy of Hogwarts. He came from a very wealthy family and always had a cocky attitude while at school. As the series progressed, we saw Draco change and he became less of the nasty bully that he was in his early days.

If you got Draco on this quiz, it is clear that you are into bad boys. There is nothing wrong with that though as Draco is a very popular character among fan fiction writers.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is the main character of the entire series and was known as the ‘Chosen One’. He showed some strong leadership throughout the series and proved to be extremely brave. Harry is also an extremely loyal person and would be a great choice as a partner. The only issue with dating Harry would be dealing with all of the attention that he receives due to him being the chosen one. An easy comparison would be if you were to date someone who was a professional athlete or a celebrity.

If you got Harry on this quiz, chances are that you love to go on adventures with your significant other and love to experience new things with them.

Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom is known as a shy and nerdy guy throughout the series. He appears to be socially awkward at times but grows more confident as the series progresses. Neville showcases his loyalty throughout the series and is someone who will always stand up for those who he loves.

If you get Neville on this quiz, you are likely into nerdy but cute guys. Mashable even rated Neville as the character from the series that is the most datable!

Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley plays a major role in the series and is one of Harry Potter’s best friends. He is known as the funny one of the group and is also someone who deeply loves his family.

If you are into a good sense of humor, Ron would be a good match for you. There is no doubt that he would have you constantly laughing. It also seems like he would be an extremely loyal boyfriend and father.

Viktor Krum

Viktor Krum is best known for competing against Harry Potter during the Triwizard tournament. He is a very talented athlete and one of the greatest quidditch players in the entire franchise.

If you are usually into jocks, Krum would be a great choice for you. He also seems to be more of the strong and silent type, which some women are into.

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Я знаю таких тестов много, но я решила создать свой.

Что у тебя самое ценное?

мой фото альбом.

мои дирижабельные серьги.

Мой мимбулус мимблетония.

Что нибудь из моей коллекции пушек Чадли.

Моя любимая собака.

Моя рука славы.

Всё что я могу поэкспериментировать .

Всё что угодно, только не заклинание рвоты слизняков.

Какое ваше любимое хобби?

Изготовление специальных шляп для мероприятий.

Уход за животными.

Хм, запертая дверь. Что ты делаешь?

Попрошу Пивза проскользнуть под неё и сказать, что находиться за ней.

Случайно выверну ручку, пытаясь повернуть её.

Попытаюсь её взорвать, но в конечном итоге подожгу себя.

Пожимаю плечами и оборачиваюсь.

Попробуйте пощекотать петли.

Использую алохомору конечно.

Позовите подчиненного, чтобы он разбил дверь.

Какой была бы твоя идеальная Маггловская работа?

Кому нужна работа, когда ты так богат, как я?

Чего ты больше всего боишься?

Столкнуться лицом к лицу с недовольствием тёмного лорда.

Азкабан — от одной мысли бросает в дрожь.

Быть исключенным из Хогвартса.

Это же выходные! Как ты собираешься их потратить?

Заговор против моих врагов.

Тусуюсь с друзьями.

Ищу мятые, рогатые шноркели.

Поливаю свои растения.

Игра в квиддич.

Получить фору в домашнем здании на следующую неделю.

Играем в снежки.

Выпечка каменных тортов.

Какая ваша любимая позиция в квиддиче?

Я должен (а) быть капитаном.

Я люблю иногда смотреть матчи.

Какое домашнее животное вы хотели бы иметь?

Бобы Берти Ботс.

Зубная Нить Струнные Мяты.

Пирог с патокой.

С кем Хотели бы встречаться?

ваш муж из гарри поттера

охаё. разбирайте мужиков, девочки

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: